
Showing posts from August, 2017

Christ my Rock and foundation

"You must continue to be faithful on a sure  and firm foundation, and not allow yourselves to be shaken from the hope gained when you heard the gospel which has been preached to everybody in the world"(Col.1:23). The Lord is d source of our hope nd strength in this torturous journey of life, nd he will never allow his own to be humiliated by any bad situations. He is ever ready to assist u nd indeed your hope will never fail you. Hv a fruitful week.


The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, was visible within a band across the entire  contiguous United States  passing from the  Pacific  to the  Atlantic  coasts. As a partial  solar eclipse , it was visible on land from  Nunavut  in  northern Canada  to as far south as northern  South America . In northwestern  Europe  and Africa, it was partially visible in the late evening. In  Asia  it was visible only at the eastern extremity, the  Chukchi Peninsula . A solar eclipse occurs when the  Moon  passes between  Earth  and the  Sun , thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's  apparent diameter  is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometers wide. Photographer Steve Valley Email magnifica.steve@


“Do you believe in Reincarnation? Well I do. I used to have a lot of déjà vécu- feeling of having “already lived through” something- that feeling of recollection even though in reality it never happened so maybe just maybe I have lived before.  So I got online & started researching & stumbled on this page that asked me to put in my birth details & bla bla & it would calculate some bla bla for you & Voilà it said I was Queen Cleopatra in my former life.  Doesn’t worry make I follow una laugh cos it’s funny to me too BUT let’s think about it for a second- I am a Queen. And effortlessly too. This shoot was the perfect opportunity to live my fantasy & I’m so proud of the outcome. I loved every moment of it. Thank you so much guys. TBOSS” Idowu is truly a Queen in these stunning new photos.